Legend: HS - A highly satisfactory part of our relationship
NP - No problem in our relationship
P - A problem in our relationship
SP - A serious problem in our marriage
A. Money
1. Amount of money available HS NP P SP
2. Who earns it HS NP P SP
3. Who spends it HS NP P SP
4. Who keeps track of it HS NP P SP
B. Household Tasks
1. House repairs and upkeep HS NP P SP
2. House cleaning HS NP P SP
3. Other chores HS NP P SP
4. Purchase of household items HS NP P SP
C. Employment
1. Job satisfaction HS NP P SP
2. Who works HS NP P SP
3. Time spent away from home on job HS NP P SP
4. Job training HS NP P SP
5. Educational advancement HS NP P SP
D. Recreation
1. Family activities HS NP P SP
2. Individual and/or joint activities HS NP P SP
3. Vacations HS NP P SP
4. Money spent on vacations HS NP P SP
5. Importance of recreation HS NP P SP
E. Health
1. Check-ups HS NP P SP
2. Ilness HS NP P SP
3. Financial impact HS NP P SP
4. Alcohol or drug use HS NP P SP
F. Education
1. Differences in level of education HS NP P SP
2. Importance of education HS NP P SP
3. Children's education HS NP P SP
4. Finances for education HS NP P SP
G. Religion
1. Differences in religious faith HS NP P SP
2. Religious training of children HS NP P SP
3. Financial support HS NP P SP
H. Relatives
1. Frequency of visits HS NP P SP
2. Cultural or ethnic background HS NP P SP
3. Financial support HS NP P SP
4. Influence of parents HS NP P SP
I. Children
1. Number of children HS NP P SP
2. Care of children HS NP P SP
3. Approach to behavior problems HS NP P SP
4. Performance in school HS NP P SP
5. Time spent with children HS NP P SP
6. Future plans for children HS NP P SP
7. Adoption or foster care HS NP P SP
8. Issue of step-children HS NP P SP
9. Issues with previous spouse HS NP P SP
J. Communication
1. Amount of communication HS NP P SP
2. Expressing problems or concerns HS NP P SP
3. Listening skills HS NP P SP
4. Expressions of affection HS NP P SP
K. Sex
1. Frequency HS NP P SP
2. Extra-marital relationships, past or present HS NP P SP
3. Overall quality of intimacy HS NP P SP
4. Techniques/experimentation HS NP P SP
5. Impact of health HS NP P SP
L. Friends
1. Time with friends HS NP P SP
2. Impact of friends on your relationship HS NP P SP
3. Communication with friends HS NP P SP
Which issue(s) would you like to address first?
What are some things you do that please your mate?