In addition to physical reinforcers, such as an affectionate pat on the shoulder, a smile or a "thumbs up" sign; positive, sincere statements can be most affirming for a child. Here are some examples:
"I like it when you ___________________________."
"Thanks for _______________________________."
"That was terrific when you ______________________."
"My, you sure act grown up when you ________________."
"Wait until I tell Mom (Dad) how nice you were when you ______________________."
"You did that all by yourself when you ______________and I didn't have to remind you."
"I am really impressed by the way you _______________________."
"I know I don't say this often, but I really like it when you ______________________."
"I am very proud of you when you ______________________________."
"It makes me very happy to see you ______________________________."
"Just for behaving so well, you and I will ____________________________."
Try to be immediate with your praise.
Be specific with your praise. Tell the child what you liked that he or she did well.
Avoid using "back-handed" compliments, such as: "It's about time you did such a nice job cleaning your room," or "This is nice - so why can't you do this more often?"